
九 2018

山 水 江 湖











在重庆这两个词都是具体的:首先,这座城市素以“一山两水”而形成的地理格局而知名,“山水”地形构造的奇观,塑造了重庆独特的日常生活面貌。与此同时,“江湖”又是重庆的另一个关键词,是由袍哥文化演绎来的戏剧性的社会关系和地方风俗。两个词共同勾勒出了地方人情的“构造”和“起伏”,直抒胸臆地表达出景观社会更隐秘的“基础设施” (infrastructure)。它让重庆在显得非常“后现代”的时髦的同时,实则又极其“前现代”的丰满。



受到这种局面的启发,“山·水·江·湖”想把最形而上学的和最日常的联系在一起,赋予诗意的东西以物质化的形体,为时代前列的文化做具体而微的注脚。它希望是一个“跨文类”但是又同时高度情境化(transtextural and contextual)的展览,既有“典型”的新媒体(运用计算、灯光、声音、机械装置的)艺术家,又包括传统上不被定义为新媒体艺术家的参与者,既有直观的针对重庆地方景观的再现性艺术,又包括理论化的装置与模型。它应该是一次严肃的对话,尽管谈论者往往使用着对方不能理解的语言。



八 2018






这次群展的另一个关键词是“极少的” ,它恰如其分地体现在马立华的艺术创作中。艺术家将白色和沙子这两种基本语言相结合,通过穿插的笔迹,从而组合出深层次的空间,近而形成节奏和情绪的表达。马立华通过一种适当的抽象形象来表达真正的精神世界。


六 2018

云图 / L’Atlas des Nuages


The International Cloud Atlas, published in 1896, was compiled thanks to the research and classification work conducted by researchers like Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, Luke Howard and Ralph Abercrombie. It was the first publication to set out a nomenclature for clouds, using Latin names, which allowed all European meteorologists to work together. This was how names like  Cumulus, Stratus and Nimbus were applied to the different types of clouds, bearing witness to the establishment and recognition of meteorology in the 19th century. The theme of clouds has been present in iconography since Antiquity and has been a major source of inspiration over the centuries, particularly in painting and photography.

Symbolic, poetic, threatening, divine… clouds have played a central role in artistic representation. In the 21st century, they continue to fascinate numerous artists, whilst environmental and political issues have also come into play. The Cloud Atlas takes an approach that is both playful and sensory, arousing the curiosity of a broad audience, as it takes us on a geographical, sociological and philosophical journey.

The project encompasses the work of over twenty international artists, with photographs, daguerreotypes, neon works, lightbulb installations, videos, fabric sculptures, drawings and more.

Anne Immelé’s cloud flags ask questions about borders, in the same way as Marco Godinho’s cloud stamps raise issues of migratory politics and the movement of people over the past decade. The cloud composed of 6,000 lightbulbs created by the collective of Caitlind Brown & Wayne Garett invites visitors to play with a tree of light. Pollution and smoke appear in the work of Christophe Urbain, whereas Hoang Duong Cam denounces the systems of Asia’s megacities. Berndnaut Smilde creates ephemeral clouds. And whilst Emilie Faïf sets hearts beating, they are pierced by Marion Baruch. Shilpa Gupta imprisons them or speaks to the sky. Julie Guillem and Jean Gabriel Lopez recreate their own cloud atlas using historic processes.

Artist list : Marion Baruch, Hicham Berrada, Olaf Brzeski, Caitlind Brown & Wayne Garrett, Rhona Byrne, Hoang Duong Cam, Julien Discrit, Arpaïs du Bois, Latifa Echakhch, Emilie Faïf, Marco Godinho, Julie Guillem, Shilpa Gupta, Anne Immelé, Hao Jinfang & Wang Lijie, Feng Li, Jean-Gabriel Lopez, Johan Parent, Berndnaut Smilde, Christophe Urbain, Bruno v. Roels, Sophie Zénon.

一 2018

La lumière n’existe pas / 光不存在


Après leur participation à la 14ème biennale de Lyon et au 62ème salon de Montrouge, Anne-Sarah Bénichou invite Jingfang Hao et Lingjie Wang pour une exposition personnelle à la galerie. Le duo d’artistes, qui vit à Mulhouse et travaille entre Paris et Shanghai, propose principalement des installations. Formés en tant qu’ingénieurs avant d’intégrer une école d’art en France et particulièrement sensibles aux changements indétectables dans la nature, qu’il s’agisse du soleil, des étoiles ou du passage du temps, Jingfang Hao et Lingjie Wang proposent une vision poétique de ces changements tout en les exposant à la vue de tous.

Pour l’exposition, plusieurs œuvres et installations qui constituent des temps forts dans leur travail ces dernières années seront produites, ré-activées ou présentées pour la première fois, avec pour angle principal la réflexion des artistes autour de la lumière. Intitulée « La lumière n’existe pas », elle fait référence à une citation de Francis Picabia : “Ce sont les mots qui existent, ce qui n’a pas de nom n’existe pas. Le mot lumière existe, la lumière n’existe pas.” Il s’agit ici d’interroger notre perception de la lumière, de la beauté et des illusions qu’elle peut créer.

十二 2017

Les faits du hasard / 偶然事件




The international Biennial of digital arts of Île-de-France, heir of the Némo festival, will return to its nerve centre of the CENTQUATRE for its second edition (December 2017 – March 2018) on the occasion of its big thematic and transversal exhibition: Les Faits du hasard.

Like for the two previous exhibitions, the artistic direction is co-signed by Gilles Alvarez, director of the Biennial and the event coordination of Arcadi, and José-Manuel Gonçalvès, director of the CENTQUATRE. A token of continuity for a programme that will once again inscribe itself in the large artistic mechanism of chance, the accidental and serendipity that was opened two years ago by the exhibition Prosopopées : quand les objets prennent vie. “Before, chance in art was error”, declared Gilles Alvarez. “But ever since Marcel Duchamp and quantum mechanics, there is an intentional chance, a tool that is asking to be organised by an artistic gesture.”

In this new exploration of the relationship between Man and machine, where the technological process collides with an often capricious artistic equation, several installations will testify of the convoluted creative steps, going through a multiplicity of supports, such as Quentin Euverte’s Buzz Aldrin Syndrom, in which analog material, digital data, chemical processes and live cinema screenings participate in an unpredictable result, with the appearance of an exquisite corpse game. For José-Manuel Gonçalvès, the idea is to “build a contemporary art exhibition that draws from all forms of aesthetics, in digital technology, in the theatre of objects, and that plays with the variety of chance to show that the result of an artwork isn’t always replicable”. You can therefore expect surprises when you will project yourself into the body of another, using a headset (the body sway experience of The Machine to Be Another of the BeAnotherLab collective) or when you will observe the pixelated choreographies of augmented snails by Cyril Leclerc and Elizabeth Saint-Jalmes (Le Pixel lent).

The exhibition Les Faits du hasard will not however be settled as much in technological absurdity as Prosopopées. It will look for a more poetic and contemplative reading of our technological society through a digital filter. “Chance is the contrary of what we believe digital art is, as we think it brings us to total control, to perfection”, José-Manuel Gonçalvès sums up. “But maybe the greatest perfection is actually the things that are not completely perfect?”. Human, did you say human?

十二 2017








