actualités & blog

oct 2016

ArtReview Asia Xiàn Chǎng, West Bund Art & Design 2016


West Bund Art & Design has launched a special exhibition program, ArtReview Asia Xiàn Chǎng. Situated in public areas both inside and outside the fair, the program, which takes the form of a series of single-artwork presentations, will feature works by both Asian and international artists, operating in a variety of media, including large-scale sculpture, installation, moving image and performance. Ultimately it aims to present an overview of the most urgent and cutting-edge work in the field of art.


ArtReview Asia Xiàn Chǎng is curated for West Bund Art & Design by ArtReview Asia. The curatorial concept of the program, which debuts this November, originates in the Chinese characters for ‘xiàn’ and ‘chǎng’, which together mean the scene (of a crime, accident, etc); (on) the spot; (at) the site. The artworks on show will explore how context provides a contemporary artwork with added significance or validity – and how the ‘contemporary’ aspect of contemporary art is as much about space or place as it is about time. Artists showing at ArtReview Asia Xiàn Chǎng are invited to play with notions of context, in all four dimensions of space–time, and its ability to bring about meaning, both intended and unexpected, in their work.

ArtReview Asia Xiàn Chǎng is not only an extension of the magazine’s content, creation and ideas; but is a brand-new attempt to apply and integrate its initiatives within the diverse reality of Asia.

West Bund Art & Design will also offer a special prize for ArtReview Asia Xiàn Chǎng, for which a committee of invited curators will select the best work within the program. The list of jurors, as well as the final winner will be announced in November 2016.

Xiàn Chǎng will feature the following artists :

1. Bi Rongrong | Vanguard Gallery
2. Laurent Grasso | Edouard Malingue Gallery
3. Hao Jingfang & Wang Lingjie | M Art Center
4. imagokinetics
5. Merlin James | Kerlin Gallery
6. Jin Shan | Bank
7. Lu Zhengyuan | Hive Center for Contemporary Art
8. Haroon Mirza | Lisson Gallery
9. Simon Dybbroe Møller | Laura Bartlett Gallery
10. Christopher Orr | Ibid Gallery
11. Bagus Pandega | ROH Projects
12. Philippe Parreno | Gladstone Gallery
13. Qiu Anxiong | Boers-Li Gallery
14. Qiu Xiaofei | Pace Gallery
15. Sean Scully | Timothy Taylor
16. Shanzhai Biennial | Project Native Informant
17. Bosco Sodi | Blain | Southern
18. Yutaka Sone | Tommy Simoens
19. Sion Sono | OTA Fine Arts
20. Yi Xin Tong | Vanguard Gallery
21. Wang Shang | Magician Space
22. Wang Yi | Aike-Dellarco
23. Zhang Peili | Boers-Li Gallery
24. Zhang Ruyi | Don Gallery

juin 2016

Present Participle Ⅲ


The sun of tomorrow is always brand-new. “Present Participle Ⅲ” gathers several artists that have been featured and collaborated by M Art Center, showing their latest works and progress in a natural presentation. These works are shown in a variety of media, painting, photography, sculpture, installation, woodcut, paper work, etc., directly or indirectly demonstrating the experience of being steady, awakening, exploring and going beyond oneself that every artist goes through. They are in simple words, but showing complicated messages. To artists, art creation is considered equally as breathing, as it is not only the expression of the mind and the heart, but also the process of consistent self-denial, self-fulfillment and innovation. Either as calm reflections or passionate pursuits, a temporary rest or a serious announcement, here are the recent statements that the artists want to make.


avr 2016

Rêve d’obscur – Au pays des Etoiles Terrestres


Le Soleil a rendez-vous avec la Lune, les astres avec la Terre, le visible avec son ombre. Tel est le projet d’exposition qui nous conduit à explorer les faces cachées, à scruter les voies de l’obscur… Une invitation exceptionnelle à voyager au-delà du pays des Étoiles terrestres.

Hypothèses et fantasmes sont au cœur de cette proposition spéculative. Elle nous permet d’appréhender des contrées lointaines avec des outils dépassant la rationalité mais indéniablement poétiques. Quelles puissances de l’esprit entrent en jeu lorsqu’il s’agit de penser des territoires inconnus ? Quels sont ces mécanismes propices aux projections de l’imagination ?
L’être humain a de tout temps scruté, étudié, cartographié le ciel, ses astres et constellations, tout comme la Terre, ses reliefs, et océans. Les œuvres issues de la collection du 49 Nord 6 Est apparaissent comme une réponse sensible aux données scientifiques et géographiques. Perte de repère (Beggs, Poitevin), expérience spirituelle (Leisgen), travail sur la lumière (Henson), mesure du monde (Billotte, Hao & Wang) ; autant de propositions pour appréhender différemment la réalité et réinterpréter notre environnement. Partageons avec eux cette attirance irrésistible pour d’autres possibles !

Que se cache-t-il dans l’ombre des cristalleries ? Parallèlement à l’exposition, une artiste de la région mène un travail sur le terrain mettant en lumière, en toute discrétion, les objets, souvenirs et techniques des habitants du Pays du Verre. Derrière le rêve de transparence et de lumière, dont chaque verrier est porteur, ne se cachait-il pas un goût secret pour des formes obscures ? Espérant croiser les savoir-faire les plus exceptionnels avec les pratiques populaires, le projet souhaite valoriser ces pratiques amateurs. Rêve d’obscur nous invite à cheminer au cœur du pays des Étoiles terrestres.

L’œuvre de Katrin Ströbel est présentée à La Grande Place – Musée du Cristal de Saint-Louis-lès-Bitche (21/04 – 19/09), au Centres d’art de Dudelange (07/05 – 11/06) et au 49 Nord 6 Est – Frac Lorraine (23/06 – 23/10)

nov 2015

Nonfigurative, le mouvement de narration

poster ýÌåÔÓÖ¾Óà Êú

Shanghai 21st Century Minsheng Art Museum, also known as M21, unveiled « Nonfigurative » Exhibition on November 20 to welcome its first anniversary. Showing 67 pieces of painting, video and photograph works created by 58 Chinese artists around the world, the exhibition involved creations spanning over 30 years, hence a feast of art that collects masterpieces of different periods.
According to Deputy Director Li Feng of M21, they spent nearly a year in preparing for the exhibition, including early masterpieces of established artists and new creations of young ones. In the way of expression, a nonfigurative exhibition is aimed at deconstructing the traditional narrative mode and encouraging artists to break through the constraints of form and content, thus fully exerting their imagination for creation.

As for paintings, there’s an oil painting « Camellia amid the War » showing a female soldier holding a camellia during Sino-Vietnamese War to limelight the humanity despite the warring environment. The paintings Fission, Ultimate State and The Cross, respectively created by Xu Lei, Meng Luding and Gu Liming during 1980s, not only explore abstract painting for visual expression but try different types painting materials, such as tea, rice paper and medicinal materials, thus enlarging the overall scope of painting. And among many new-media works, the video artwork « The Face » by Li Yongbin revolves around showing one’s own appearance to seek the possible forms of self-reflection.
Reports say that the exhibition will last till February 28 next year, opened free to the public.

sept 2015

AD Style sur Westbund Art and Design Exhibition


The West Bund Art & Design fair is the first large-scale international art and design fair in China, and it has attracted top galleries from around the world. It took place at West Bund Art Center on the Xuhui Waterfront from 8–13 September 2015 and building on last year’s first year achievements, the aim is to propel contemporary visual art in China even further.

Co-organised by Shanghai West Bund Development Group Co., and the renowned artist Zhou Tiehai, the international fair West Bund Art & Design is the first of its type in China. The art fair designates West Bund Art Center, which was transformed from a workshop of the former Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing Factory, as its site. The Fair aims to create a second-to‐none art platform, hosting galleries, design agencies, existing and new collectors, and art lovers to enjoy art. The design component of the fair was held throughout the West Bund Cultural Corridor and included Atelier Deshaus, Archi-Union, Atelier Z+, Atelier GOM, One Design Inc., TM Studio and UNDEF/NE.

A background: The West Bund initiative is a cluster of five art centres and museums with two more on the way. It started with a five-year plan in 2010 to open 3,500 museums in China by 2015, but the mission was reached in just half the time. By 2012 there were already 3,866 museums in the country and naturally Shanghai, with its wealth of industrial buildings and developers eager to support culture as a marketing tool, were in the forefront. The West Bund area, once an industrial zone, includes a number of rehabilitated industrial structures, including a coal conveying platform (Long Museum West Bund), airplane hangars (West Bund Art Center and YUZ Museum) and giant oil tanks (The Oil Tank Art and Performance Center, planned to open in 2017) – all preserved to showcase the city’s cultural growth.

Walking around the fair, we found quite a lot of galleries that we recognise from Hong Kong, such as Pearl Lam Fine Arts Gallery, White Cube, Ben Brown Fine Arts & Platform China. However, we shall focus on, and show you some images from, some of the mainland galleries from Shanghai and Beijing at the fair.



在9月8日-13日的六天展期中,《安邸AD》携手施勇共同打造ART of LIVING“也是一种态度”收藏展。本次展览汇集艺术精英丁乙、王令杰+郝经芳、王兴伟、王思顺、贝歇尔夫妇、双飞小组、孙逊、老者步加希金、曲丰国、李明、刘月、何岸、陆垒、林科+杨俊岭、张恩利、郑焕、荒木经维、郭洪蔚、胡子、胡柳、赵洋、洪磊、徐震、柴一皿、索-勒维特、黄芳翎+金锋、蔡东东、廖国核等代表作品,诠释艺术品与家居之间的完美平衡。


sept 2015

nuit des lucioles 5

flyer nuit des lucioles 5

L’association “plus vite“ vous propose de vivre une expérience inédite autour de la lumière
et de l’art contemporain.
Au programme, une déambulation dans la commune de Dieuze pour découvrir
des surprises lumineuses et des oeuvres.

Avec Alain Colardelle,
les vidéos d’Emilien Adage, Julie-Christine Fortier et Christian Lebrat,
les oeuvres de Marco Godinho (prêt du FRAC Lorraine) et de Paul Oudin,
“Le prototype improvisé de type nuage“ de Yona Friedman (prêt du FRAC Lorraine),
et la collection “plus vite“ : D. Arnaud, G. Baxter, T. Boutonnier, P Brateau, A. Brégeaut,
C. Closky, H. Di Rosa, M. Egana, Q. Faucompré, E. Ferrer, D. Frouin-Guillery, P. Garenc,
P-A Gette, J. Gindre, S. Gouju, J. Hao & L. Wang, J. Hubaut, Knapfla, J-N. Laszlo,
A. Le Marec, D. Leroi, CM. Linden, Mardi Noir, A. Muntadas, J. Nédélec, A. Pertusot,
F. Pétrovitch, E. Régent, P-A. Remy, J. Sanchez, M. Séguin, Taroop & Glabel,
L. Van Malderen, T. Verbeke, …

Dieuze, le 3 octobre 2015 à partir de 20h30.
Rendez-vous, place du Marché devant la fontaine. Un plan vous sera remis.